Индустрия гостеприимства

Hospitality and Events

Communication Solutions

Improving the Guest Experience

Hospitality is a diverse sector ranging from bars, restaurants and nightclubs to hotels, resorts, cinemas, theatres, and sporting events. Guest satisfaction is the main objective for attracting new customers and for ensuring happy customers return. Digital media platforms promote instant customer feedback information that can either make or break hospitality businesses.

This puts this industry under immense pressure to always provide first class service and security for guests. One way of doing this successfully is to ensure staff is always able to provide quick, efficient attention to guests, which can be easily achieved by equipping them with two-way radios.

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  • Мгновенная связь

    Instant Communications

    Two-way radio group communications are essential for delivering timely services in hotels and restaurants and for responding to customer needs or for controlling crowds at a sports event or large venue.

  • Групповые вызовы

    Better Coordination

    Two-way radio group communications are essential for delivering timely services in hotels and restaurants and for responding to customer needs or for controlling crowds at a sports event or large venue.

  • Беспроводная связь Hands-Free

    Hands-Free Wireless Operation

    Integrated Bluetooth technology enables discreet wireless earpieces to be worn allowing hospitality staff to keep in touch with supervisors and colleagues, while still carrying out customer facing tasks.

  • Управление рабочим процессом

    Workflow Management

    Radios can support job ticketing, status messaging and workflow management systems making it easy to schedule jobs, pre-assign workers to particular tasks, and to confirm when jobs are completed.


Гостиницы и курорты

Hotel and Resort

Рестораны, бары и ночные клубы

Restaurants, Bars and Nightclubs

Спортивные и развлекательные заведения

Sporting and Entertainment Venues