MLink-UPS | Source of the new generation of uninterruptible power supplies

Дополнительное описание

Main characteristics


MLink-UPS converts the AC voltage into a voltage (48-54) to the DC stabilized output voltage determined by user setting
MLink-UPS is designed to provide an uninterrupted supply of various telecommunication equipment and communication equipment output voltage (48-54) In the


MLink-UPS consists of a hard metal body and embedded therein the following basic units:

  • Rectifier module 220/48 (CF 1, 2)
  • Display Module (MI)
  • Controller module (MC)
  • Connectors and switching module (MSC)

The controller unit

It provides control of output current and voltage of the inverter needs to supply the load, and simultaneously charging the battery in accordance with the specifications


Accessories Series UPS ML-UPS


Low-voltage switchgear for 8 users with current protection (3/5/8 / 10A). There is a “dry contact” for overcurrent alarm and visual alarm presence of an input voltage (48V), power failure and each load


1U device completely includes features ML-UPS-DIS and ML-UPS-Pw2


Emergency device (ATS) is used for automatic switching of the single-phase AC input voltage AC 220 20A * (2 feeder) at all conditions, including ML-UPS, with a total consumption current not exceeding 20A. There is a “dry contact” for signaling the status change and the ATS supply switch priority feeder and visual indication of the input voltages at both feeders

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