Situation centers ICC Hytera

For police, fire, emergency and other public safety management departments, a full range of products and solutions are provided, such as intelligent response and control, visual control and dispatch, major event security, integrated dispatch console covering the entire control center business process and application use cases , and also provides an overview of the control center structure.

Covers the entire emergency management process

Solutions with a variety of applications and platforms can support the entire process of essential public safety operations, from everyday incident management, major incident dispatch, to major events and security.


Unified real-time map-based dispatch

Display the situation based on the location of the incident using a range of specially designed map-based operations such as rectangular/circular highlight areas, one-button control setup, voice or video communication, real-time road conditions and route planning.


Various smart applications

An intelligent preliminary response plan, visualized multi-dimensional analysis of incident data, and multiple radio and video dispatch methods help the situation center effectively deal with emergency incidents.

Hytera CTHS

The Call Taking and Handling System provides the mechanism and tools for unified alarm call handling at a typical public safety response point

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Hytera MESS

Smart, efficient, and powerful. You can count on the security guarantee and emergency response for major sports events, festival gatherings, summits, and disaster rescue

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Hytera VCS

The Visual Command System provides dispatchers in the command center a comprehensive view of incident status and resource distribution

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